Friday, February 28, 2014


Greetings and Salutations!
After a long time I am back.
Here I am typing while watching JLU on Toonami. I'll discuss this in the next blog or so. I try to stay positive and uphold what's right but sometimes you can't control the situation or the people involved. All I can say is it's their choice and I shouldn't let it affect me or my life. In other words life goes on.

The long break was and is something I will remedy. At least three times a week I will post my musings here and yes what I really want in my life. While nothing good is on tv.

Last week while I was with old friends celebrating a birthday I overhead a friend re tell something interesting. If I recall correctly it was like "is it harder to climb a mountain than in my arms." That awoke me in my dreamy state and I wrote it in my notebook. (Yes I write a lot of things in my notebook. Story ideas for future stories in my comics) I hid my laughter from that friend. The person was a poet. I missed writing. Back when I was younger I wrote original poems for girls I courted. On even accused me of copying it. A friend or my brother said that's a compliment to my writing. If I find some of those I'll place them here. I admire the guy for writing to that to the girl. Shows a passion or love for the girl.

I miss my muse. The encouragement to write, to draw. But tonight I think the muse is back. I am back. As Arnie would say "I'll be back!"

And as the saying goes in comics or tv land TO BE CONTINUED.

See you soon people.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Google Translations from English to Tagalog!

I know I promised you a report on Komikon 2011 held last Saturday. I apologize. I am still having con hangover so to speak. Next time I'll report on what happened Verification Identified POV (point of view).

Now I just found this Google Translation on my laptop (actually I knew about this years ago). I used it in Wikipedia and translation was great. Then I said to myself "what if I used the translation on Newsarama?" And then everything went weird. I tried the 10 GREATEST BATMAN VILLAINS OF ALL TIME.   .... and really it got weird. Hush was Patahimikin; Penguin was Ibong Dagat and I'll let you find out about The Joker. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry. I got carried away. So click, read and enjoy. Later people of the universe. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Komikon 2011

Be early this Saturday at the 7th Philippine Komiks Convention at the Bayanihan Center, Unilab Compound, Pasig City. Get this collector souvenir catalog. Listing almost all of the available new comicbooks that will be sold at the event. With cover art by up and coming superstars Jomar Bulda and Brian Valeza. Artist who will be there are Tony De Zuniga, Gerry Alanguilan, Jomar Bulda, Carlo Vergara, Heubert Khan Michael and others. I listed others 'coz I'm not sure if they will be there. Comics afficionados be there and bring money to spend. I'll be there too with friends searching the comics boxes and having comics signed.

Anyways see you there! 

First Time!

Welcome people of the universe to Verification Identified! What to say, what to say. Let's start with the introductions. I am an artist who wants to write for a living. Some of my friends and relatives will attest to that. I am a collector of comic books, magazines and collectible toys. I enjoy long walks on the beach...that's not right. I enjoy adventures and sometimes I am living in an adventure. I guess that's it for now. More blogging soon. If I can do this weekly.

I will post things about Komikon which is on Saturday and some on the goings on in my life.

I'll be seeing you soon!